
〒543-0061 大阪府大阪市天王寺区伶人町1-6
TEL 06-6771-0737

ボストン研修 活動記録


月日  スケジュール 
1日目 8/4 伊丹空港より、成田経由にてボストンへ
2日目 8/5 トリップリーダーによるプログラム特別講義
ハーバード大学キャンパスツアー など
3日目 8/6 ハーバードワークショップ@,A
ハーバード・イノベーションラボ ワークショップ など
4日目 8/7 ハーバードワークショップB,C
ハーバードメディカルスクール特別講義・研究所見学 など
5日目 8/8 MIT特別講義@(コンピュータ科学・人工知能)
MITワークショップ,キャンパスツアー など
6日目 8/9 本校生徒によるプレゼンテーション
本校OBが在籍するハーバード大学院研究室を訪問 など
7日目 8/10 ジョン・F・ケネディ大統領博物館見学
ボストン美術館見学 など
8日目 8/11 ボストン・ローガン空港から空路にて帰国の途へ
9日目 8/12 成田空港を経由して伊丹空港へ 解散

第2日目 8/5

In the second day, in Boston, what we did was so fantastic!
First, we went to Suffolk University cafeteria and had breakfast. It was so delicious and I spent a really nice time.
Next, we went to Quincy market. In the market, Oates, Ryota,and I bought the same design T-shirt and I ate chicken and a lobster sand.
They were so expensive but I think they were worth paying for.
Finally, we went to Harvard university. The university was bigger than I expected.
As soon as we arrived there, we met two Harvard students and talked about what Harvard university was like and about their hobbies .
Their English was so fast and I had difficulty in understanding it , but it was a good experience for me.
In the campus tour, we looked around a lot of facilities.
I am excited about what we will do tomorrow! I am looking forward to Harvard workshop at Harvard university!

This morning, Keisuke, Takuma, Daiki and I was running around Boston Common for our exercise.
The views during the jogging were so good and we happened to find some animals we usually cannot see in the cities in Japan like Squirrels or a kind of birds whose names we don't know.
After the lecture of the history about Boston(It was very interesting for me and I could understand the difference between Osaka and Boston Diversified.), we went to Quincy Market,and then Tomo, Ryota and I bought T-shirts with the same design at the Abercrombie & Fitch store. After that, we took our pictures.
I'm a bit tired but I'm very happy.
Thank you. (K.O)

Before we went to lunch ,we had a lecture about the history of Boston and the current situation.
What I understood was that Osaka has similar history with Boston.
We had lunch at Quincy market.
I enjoyed delicious cram chowder whose bowl is made from bread! After lunch, we went to Harvard university and asked some questions to mentors.
Though the questions might be personal, they kindly answered them. The final program of today was a campus tour at Harvard university.
What I was interested in was Lamon library ,which opens 24 hours every day.
I heard some Harvard students stay there for a few days consecutively. (H.K)

第3日目 8/6

I got very tired but felt excited today because I learned a lot of things from today's workshop.
Especially a class about leaders was the best for me. We learned what is required for leaders.
They have to have an ability of communicating with each other.
However, they also need to respect each other and listen carefully to what others say.
I have never thought about these things.
In addition, Mr. Takeda's workshop was one of my best, which said even the world best company in a field can go bankrupt.
This is because new technology is spreading to the world rapidly and it changes so many things.
In order to survive in such a world, a company diversification is essential. We can learn a lot from his workshop.
Thank you. (D.I)

We went to Harvard university and we had three workshops today.
All of them were useful for me.
As the best of them, I would like to write about the third workshop by Mr. Yusaku Takeda.
He talked about “How to succeed in the field of business”.
He mainly talked about some corporations which are losing their economic power now,such as NOKIA and Toys”R”Us.
He said they hadn’t changed their main products, and therefore they were replaced by new companies with their new technology.
Then, how do we avoid being replaced?
One solution is that we have to do “Diversified manegement”, and don’t be scared of changing ourselves.
The key point is that we should never be afraid of changes. (R.M)

In Takeda Yusaku's lecture, we thought about the environment in which we can get motivated.
Our action has an effect on our next action.
By thinking about the connection logically, we can understand how to keep trying what we want to do.
In addition, I learned that we should think about everything critically from every aspect.
For example, having a consistent interest in something and keeping pursuing it are important.
However, we need to question whether it is true or not.
However, given Takeda Yusaku's career, I felt that the most important thing is to do what we want to do now. (Y.O)

第4日目 8/7

First, I attended a class about education system in the U.S.
This class was very difficult and I spent much time understanding them.
And then, I went to Harvard Medical School and attended a class about plastic surgery by Ms. Hamaguchi.
She said she is very busy every day because she has a lot of surgeries at a hospital and study hard to pass the national examination.
I think doctors have a hard schedule and if I would like to be a doctor,I cannot stand such a busy schedule.
What I have realized here again is doctors are really great! (T.T)

Today I learned about the American education system at the first morning workshop.
It explained mainly the high school education system, and I found it interesting that American education is not only equal but also easier for the people to receive higher education than we do Japan.
I had lunch at a restaurant named Subway with three friends, but our turn came without knowing how to look at the menu, so I pointed to my friend and said, “The same one please.”
I realized it was necessary to study English at this time. (K.K)

In the afternoon, we took a lecture from Ms. Hamaguchi, an HMS(Harvard Medical School)student.
She spoke about her experience in her life, which was very interesting.
She came to the U.S. when she was 5 years old and went to Stanford University.
After she graduated from the university, she learned at Kyoto University for 1 year as a special trainee physician, and then, she enrolled in HMS.
She told us “you should experience and know about the jobs which you want to do in the future before you decide your way.
“ I have realized how important what we should do in high school is.
I was very impressed by her speech, and I want to follow her advice as much as I can. (T.I)

We went to Harvard University the same as DAY2 and 3 and took two lessons of Harvard mentor, Katia, in the morning.
The first lecture was about the education system in the U.S. and the second was about the preparation for an interview to enter a college.
The structure of the education system in the U.S. is too complicated for me to understand immediately, but I noticed that I found it flexible because there are some ways to measure academic skills and they accept the diversity of the people in America.
In the afternoon, we went to Harvard Medical School and took one lesson from Ryoko Hamaguchi, who is studying medicine there.
The lecture was about what she is doing there.
She is going to be a plastic surgeon, so we learned what is plastic surgery and how hard the study to enter the school was.
I was very impressed because I saw the cutting edge technologies such as a mannequin which can breathe and have pulse for the first time. (R.M)

第5日目 8/8

We went to MIT and took two lectures in the morning.
First, we took the lesson of Vikram Nathan, PhD candidate, about how artificial intelligence works.
The second lesson was about the opioid epidemic by Dr. Noriko Endo.
I have been interested in AI, so I enjoyed Vikram's lesson very much.
In Noriko's lecture, I was astonished that she took samples from manholes directly.
In the afternoon, we visited MIT Edgerton Center and took a workshop of Professor Moriarty.
We did some hands-on engineering activities such as making a magical bottle and some demonstrations.
The magical bottle was interesting because there were two kinds of liquid in the bottle and they separate beads up and down when I shake it.
I felt really excited about the experiment. (R.M)

I went to MIT today.
The most interesting experience was Professor Ed Moriarty’s workshop.
He showed us many kinds of mysterious things and just said, “Just observe them.”
In Japan, the teachers never teach like this way, so at first I was confused about such a teaching style but I really enjoyed it because not only the things he showed us were really attractive, but also he seemed to be teaching us happily.
The work was really difficult for me but I really enjoyed this workshop. (K.K)

Today,I visited Massachusetts Institute of Technology! This is one of the places I most wanted to visit .
This is because I want to be a space engineer in the future.
I learned a lot of things about the job which I want to engage in the future!
In first workshop, the mentor talked about AI to us, I think it is the most popular in computer science, and I asked him some questions about the matters caused by AI .
While AI technology is developing, the abuse of it cannot be avoided and I wanted to listen to the opinions of the Harvard mentor .
In the second workshop, the lecturer was from a scientist.
She focused on the sewage of the world , and she tried to improve the world environment by cleaning the sewage.
I think this point of view is seen as what it is needed for a scientist.
I learned the strange but important viewpoint.
After those workshops, I visited a laboratory at MIT.
In the laboratory, we made a mysterious bottle and an aurora machine .
Manufacturing it was very difficult for me , but it was so interesting and I was impressed by the invention.
At the end of the fifth day , I had a dream ; after I graduate from Tokyo university, I will enter MIT as a graduate student. This is because I was impressed by the freedom and flexibility of MIT style learning! (T.T)

第6日目 8/9

We had a final presentation in the morning.
We talked about 3 questions about this program in a few minutes.
1)What is joyful experience?
2)What is challenging experience?
3)How will you use your experience after this program?
After the presentations we had lunch with Harvard students and visited Harvard museum of natural History.
It's too huge to get around in a few hours.
What we did at the end of day is to visit Hiromitsu Sawaoka's lab.(Seiko 59K graduate)
The lecture about what he does now is too difficult even if I heard it in Japanese!
l will have the last day in Boston tomorrow, so I really look forward to it. (H.K)

The most difficult point today was a presentation session.
The contents of the session were, “What is enjoyable thing during my stay in Boston?" ,
“What did I challenge during my stay in Boston?" ,
“What will I change after I come back to Japan?"
I prepared my presentation with Mr.Alan so eagerly.
However, I was not able to speak fluently and speak with my face up.
I took Mr.sawaoka’s class as well.
He studies physics,but his study was very difficult to me, and I had to spend much time understanding about his study.
However, I don’t think I fully understood it. (T.T)

I enjoyed doing my presentation.
I tried to memorize all parts of my presentation, and did not see my script.
Eventually I managed not to look at it, and finished my talk.
Since I didn't look at my note, I was trying to do eye contacts.
When I look at everyone's face, they noded.
Therefore, the more my presentation went on, the more confidence I had.
And I felt so happy then. Listening to other friends' presentations was also enjoyable.
I knew some friends are thinking of entering a university, not in Japan, and knew friends' dreams in the future.
It gave me a good opportunity to think about my future. (D.I)

第7日目 8/10

The last day,we went to JFK(John.F.Kennedy)Museum and museum of fine arts,Boston.
JFK Museum was such a beautiful place that we can looked out over the Boston Harbor.
I have learned about Cold War,so I enjoyed the exhibition from the historical point of view.
Museum of fine art has too many works to see in 2 hours.
I saw a lot of arts of Egypt ,China,and Europe(to 1900).
I was mainly attracted by the pictures by Claude Monet.
No clear outline makes his landscape paintings fantasy.
We cannot fully express World like Monet by photos.
This is the most interesting point of his works.
After dinner,we listened to Alan(=our trip leader)'s cello.
I was lucky to listen to his professional performance so close.
It was a wonderful day,thank you. (K.O)

全体を振り返って 8/11

One of the purposes of this program was speaking English a lot, and we also enjoyed ourselves at Harvard and MIT.
I think that spending time with these university's students was the most valuable experience we had in Boston.
All of them have their strong will to do what they want to do.
I was inspired by them very much and these experience in Boston will have a great influence on my life.
Now, I have a bigger and clear dream than before coming to Boston.
Finally, I appreciate for all people who gave me such a wonderful experience, especially my family.
Thank you. (T.I)

During my Boston study tour,I realized that it was not far different between american society and Japanese society.
American people speak English,so Japanese people feel they are so different from us.
However,when they talk with American people,they feel nervous like us.
In conclusion, I think it is important to speak English to communicate with other people,so I will quit studying just to get good grades.
Thanks to Mr.Alan and our teachers,we spent a very good time. (R. M)

Through this program, I found that speaking English is fun.
I’ve studied English only for entrance examinations and not put much importance on speaking it.
So, I worried that I could make myself understood in English.
Despite my broken English, however, everyone around me, including my classmates, my teachers and Harvard mentors, listened to me carefully and understood me.
I felt very happy and I wanted to speak English more.
In these seven days, I did many challenging things. I am sure they have changed me.
I would like to do more challenging things and see the world from many different perspectives. (Y.O)




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